Day in the Our School

    During the day we cycle through different activities. We are trying to assign them balance manner so that the children fully concentrate on each of them. The individual parts of the program are commonly adapted to the season, current weather, the upcoming holidays (Christmas, Easter) atc. Half-day or full-day trips to the countryside, leisure centers, theaters and similar events are not an exceptions. We inform parents about these trips in advance.

    The following schedule will clearly outline how it looks ordinary day for us. Early in the morning first parents with children are comming. The first arrivals are mostly left combined in one class. This time is devoted to spontaneous games. Later, when the children will come, each of them moves into its own class. The morning includes snack and physical activity-related educational activities. Whenever weather permits, we spend part of the morning outdoors. Followed by lunch, after lunch the first children leave home. Those who remain, go for an afternoon nap. After a rest followed by a small snack, free play and group games. The late afternoon to bid farewell to the last child and that is our day was over.


Daily Time Schedule 


07:00 – 08:00     receiving children, free games, morning exercise
08:00 – 09:30 children go into their class, community circle, controlled leisure activities
09:30 – 10:00 hygiene, snack
10:00 – 12:00 controlled leisure activities, outside activities
12:00 – 12:30 lunch, hygiene, preparation for a nap
12:30 – 15:00 reading, nap, resting activities for not napping children
15:00 – 15.30 hygiene, snack
15:30 – 18.00 games, leisure activities and leaving