Náš team Tygřata
Zuzka Zorníková is a young mother of three children aged 3,5 and 13. She has taken several courses and is still learning in various fields (caregiver for children until the start of compulsory schooling, caregiver for the elderly, nanny for handicapped children). At the same time Zuzka is fulfilling her dream. She started her own small private company Ráfek, where she sews backpacks and bags. She is a passionate cyclist. She has a dog Chenda at home.
Peťa Hradilová ever since she was a little girl, she wanted to be a teacher. She first worked with children with special needs and the elderly. Peťa is such a big kid that she goes around to all the summer camps where she works as a tutor and a health worker. She takes art and creative activities under her wing in the Tigers class. Peťa is cheerful, doesn't spoil any fun, and definitely doesn't bore anyone. She loves to travel and loves animals. She has Maxidog and her daughter Terezka at home.

Terka Macháčková graduated from medical school as a nursing assistant, has two daughters and has been working in the kindergarten as an operating and caring person since 2018. At home, she is both happy and worried about her two dogs, Ťulia and Žolina, whom she rescued from the street. She loves to create with the children, play games and is fun for everyone. She has enjoyed spending time with children since she was a toddler, as she has a much younger brother. She ran agility with the dogs and attended drama club when she was little.